Thursday, October 31, 2019

Cybersecurity Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Cybersecurity - Coursework Example The paper throws light on cyberspace, a mine field for seekers of information. With every interaction with websites, there would be an increasing demand for personal information. Such have been used by malicious persons for their own gains. Air travel has been hard hit by cyber crime and cyber-security in airports has been a challenge with each passing day. The internet has been used for various purposes which include gathering, storage, processing and transfer of vast data amounts, which include sensitive and proprietary personal, transactional and business data. Organizations have heavily depended on computer systems for day-to-day businesses. Even as this capability has been relied more and more by various individuals and organizations, the internet has been plagued by threats of cyber-security. The information available in the internet has been used to create threats to operations of businesses and individuals. These threats evolve with the expansion of the internet and the risks that come with it continue to grow globally. The United States of America remain to be the hardest hit by cybercrime according to the report on internet crime by Bureau of Justice Assistance. There is a wide range of cyber attacks. Insider threats form the core perpetrators in computer crimes. According to Vatis, â€Å"insiders do not need a great deal of knowledge about computer intrusions† as they posses adequate knowledge on the systems which they attack which allows them to have unrestricted access â€Å"to damage the system or to steal system data†. ... ge about computer intrusions† as they posses adequate knowledge on the systems which they attack which allows them to have unrestricted access â€Å"to damage the system or to steal system data† (2002, p.3). Criminal groups have also increasingly used cyber intrusions for monetary gains. Vatis gives an example of such a group referred to as ‘Phonemasters’ who were indicted for stealing and accessing federal interest computer and being in possession of access devices for which they were unauthorized. Virus writers also pose a great threat to security in IT. Viruses propagate quickly because of the high speed networks currently available. Anti-virus software available and being careful with attachments would go a long way in curtailing such epidemics. Other cyber attacks emanate from terrorists, hackers and information warfare. Vatis defines cyber attacks as â€Å"computer-to-computer attacks carried out to steal, erase, or alter information or to destroy or impede the functionality of the target computer system† (2002, p.10). These could be categorized into three, namely; unauthorized intrusions where the attacker uses hacking techniques to break into a computer or unauthorized access by an insider to accomplish unauthorized tasks in the network; destructive worms or viruses spread through computers using forms of data exchange such as emails causing some parts of the network to lose functionality; and denial of service attacks where a computer would be overloaded with communication thus hampering its functionality. Due to the ever increasing critical business partners connected to customers and partners on the internet, many organizations have been left exposed to cyber attacks. There is no guarantee that malicious acts or intrusions would not happen. But aviation

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Language Development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Language Development - Research Paper Example At the age of four, a child’s speech should be 100% intelligible with minimal absence or exchange of consonants or sounds (Sax & Weston, 2007). Ella’s language is fully comprehensible; she uses phonological assimilation and elision as evidenced in her pronunciation of ‘want to’ [wÉ’nt tu] as ‘wanna’ [wÉ’nÃ"â„¢], and ‘going to’ [gÃ"™ÊŠÉ ªÃ…‹ tu] as ‘gonna’ [gÉ’nÃ"â„¢]; she also pronounces ‘because’ [bikÉ’z] as ‘cuz’ [kÊÅ'z], and fails to pronounce the final consonant of ‘yes’ [jÉ›s] and says [yÉ›Ã"â„¢]. It also seems that Ella is not aware of the difference in pronunciation of ‘know’ [noÊŠ] and ‘now’ [naÊŠ] because when meaning ‘know’ she said ‘now’. She is also able to use contractions as evidenced when she says ‘I’m’ [aim] rather than â€Å"I am’ and ‘that’sà ¢â‚¬â„¢ [É µÃƒ ¦ts] instead of ‘that is’.2.2   Morphology  Morphology, together with syntax make up the grammar of a language. Morphology is concerned with how words are made up of smaller morphemes; a morpheme is the â€Å"minimal linguistic unit of a language that carries meaning (Silzer, 2005, p.101) and can be used to change the meanings of words. Prefixes, suffixes and affixes can be used and fall within two categories – derivational   (changes word class) and grammatical (changes grammatical meaning) (Pence & Justice, 2008). In Ella’s language for example she proves to have acquired correct usage of the plural morpheme ‘s’ as in ‘cousins’, ‘friends’ and ‘millions’; she also shows good usage of the inflectional grammatical   morphemes ‘ing’ for present continuous as in ‘flying’, ‘finding’ and ‘going sailing’ and past tense ‘edâ€℠¢ as in ‘picked’. All such morphemes are usually acquired before the age of four (Pence & Justice, 2008) and are in accordance with Brown’s (1973) syntactic stages III and IV.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Relationship Between Information Rich in Information Poor

Relationship Between Information Rich in Information Poor 1. Introduction In order to discuss Feathers chapter 5 â€Å"information rich and information poor† conclusion of his book â€Å"The information Society, a study of continuity and change†, we need to understand what actually is information rich and information poor in relation to information society. We need to analyze what the political dilemma is; is it only a political dimension related issue within the information society? Is it a choice? And if there is, which way should be chosen and consider as politically correct? And finally we need to find what other real opportunities or options are given to us. This certainly is a discussion full of perplexity on which I will argue that despite the geo-political discrepancies between developing countries and developed countries the â€Å"digital divide† is not sine qua non to socio-economic political decisions anymore but has evolved in the past years into an Auto-Democratisation and Liberalisation and should be bridged by a more eff icient and targeted educational plan, internationally applied beyond any economical barriers. 2. Defining what information society is The Internet is the only mass medium that is newly created in the second half of last century and as Mehra (2004) says, the internet has tremendous potential to achieve greater social equity and empowerment and improve everyday life for those on the margins of society. The acceleration of development in information and communication technology over the last decade has a major impact on social, political, cultural or economical issues. What is the role being played by the Internet in the information society? The Internet is nowadays seen as the pivotal point of view of the â€Å"information society† and can be regarded as a reflection of our daily reality with its multiple opportunities and danger. The â€Å"information society† produces a â€Å"class division†, a clash between people who havent access to the majority of knowledge and those who are â€Å"information rich†, contributing to the economic wealth. This gap between â€Å"haves† and â€Å"have-nots†, between â€Å"information rich† and â€Å"information poor† keeps increasing and has radical effects of changing or at least substantially affecting our society. A more critical definition of â€Å"information society† given at combines both: Post-industrial society in which information technology (IT) is transforming every aspect of cultural, political, and social life and which is based on the production and distribution of information. It is characterized by the pervasive influence of IT on home, work, and recreational aspects of the individuals daily routine, stratification into new classes those who are information-rich and those who are information-poor It is generally referred to as the â€Å"digital divide† terminology: â€Å"the gap between those people who have Internet access and those who do not† Collins English Dictionary (2003). With a slightly differentiation Mehra (2004) uses adjectives and add the technical aspect of computers to this definition. Looking at the multiple and almost identical definitions of â€Å"information society† and its inextricable â€Å"digital divide† we can conclude that by â€Å"digital divide† it is meant the splitting of those who use or not use Internet resources. the â€Å"have-nots† cannot access computers and Internet resources and therefore are disadvantaged, falling into a an unequal position compared to the †haves†, the one who gains access to information throughout new technologies and therefore participate actively to the social, political, cultural and economical life. This concept comes from â€Å"information society† theorists, which predicts an exceptional social impact on the product society, Webster (2006). Herbert Schillers corporate capitalism (p. 128), Jà ¼rgen Habermass public sphere (p. 163), Anthony Giddenss surveillance and reflexive modernisation (p.206), post-modernist Jean Baudrillards signs signification (p. 244) or Zygmunt Baumans liquid life (p. 260), not to forget Daniel Bells post-industrial society, techniques and technologies of production, change from Primary Industries such as agriculture and industrialism to post-industrialism, are the basis for evidence that technology is central for the productivity increase and resulting economic wealth, referred as Technological determinism. (p. 120). Manuel Castells on the other hand with his network society is focusing on social plurality; leaving the old working class concepts and stratification structures behind, bringing to it new Parameters like flexibility and adaptabilit y and herewith become informational Labour, referred as informational Capitalism. (p. 100) 3. Are â€Å"Haves† and â€Å"Have-nots† always â€Å"information-rich† and â€Å"information poor†? Looking at the given definitions it would almost imply that people having a computer and Internet access would automatically be seen as haves, but sometimes in developing countries and certainly in developed countries were consumers widely have access to these technologies we meet situations where they are not considered as information rich. We should look at a different approach and formalise the differentiation within our daily reality. The â€Å"Information poor† are consumers who use traditional mass media information such as television, DVDs, radios and magazines. They possess a wide range of electronic devices, MP3 players, PDAs, game consoles and other computing machines. They are considered as passive consumers of information and nowadays as passive users of new technologies, downloading digital e-books, listening to their favourite music, playing computer games, reading the last international news. But they do not interact nor create any of this provided Information and are certainly not involved in decision taking. On the opposite â€Å"information rich† stands for a new elite within the information society. They are involved into acquiring and processing information, using web 2.0 online applications, producing personalised journals on community platforms, elaborating group discussions in forums with a certain level of knowledgeable competence. They are acting at manager levels thanks to their acquired knowledge and overall literacy. They are the protagonists of this ever-growing information and technology society who possesses the knowhow of Selective processing, generating and distributing information. This selective process of evaluating provided information is determined by the consumers rather than the producers. Consumers pull out the information that fits their needs to increase the value of the already acquired information. They allocates their own criteria of values to the chosen information, they can absorb in its totality, the Values could also reach a certain level of accumulation where the effective processing of it becomes then ineffective, considered as â€Å"information overload†, but the average â€Å"information rich† does know how to handle this, as I will deepen later. Do it now â€Å"The limit is the sky† would be a perfect slogan on planet Utopia where every active user would have become â€Å"information rich†, information access would have been made unlimited, where the knowledge boundaries would be bridged on an information rainbow but on planet Earth our economical reality becomes a barrier where the consumers are blocked by the depth of that availability made in the acquisition of the needed information. Some are available for free supplied by institutions and governmental authorities, some are partially available for publicity purposes (book retailers, information providers) and others specifically recognised to be accessible only with subscriptions or tuition fees. This brings us to the undeniable fact that information consumers are forced to accept the concept of economical value attributed to information by its producer or provider and herewith underline the political dilemma the â€Å"information society† is confronted with. Information itself contributes to extend the already existing gap between developing countries and developed ones. We could not agree more on Feathers statementthat the comparative success of the information-rich economies, and the relative weakness of those that are comparatively information poor, is in itself an argument for the importance of information. The attributed values to information are considered by information society theorists to be one aspect of the evolution of social economic societies; social, political and cultural wealth have always been mirrors of strong economic powers where it could flourish and participate to its economical success. Following Feathers analysis on developing countries, development and exploitation of information technology has become indispensable and value of information fundamental, as shown with Japan, Singapore and Korea, were scientific and economic information are largely accessible and beneficially contribute to primordial economic changes. But unlike these three economically successful Asian countries, major differentiation could also be seen within industrialized countries; between the northern highly agriculturized countries and the Southern ones, accessibility ofinformation resources on comparative basis, the consumer gains from information evaluation but also could suffer in detriment of its productivity. To what extent information becomes one of the tools and enhances already existing knowledge to improve long used agricultural and industrial processes. Information does not become the centre of its economical wealth while contributes to it. The awareness based on analysis of acquired information and its resulting decisions to an enhancement or changes in primer sectors economy corroborates the views information helps â€Å"economic societies† but does not evolve to an â€Å"information society† as such. 4. The digital divide as political dimension The question if Internet opens emancipatory possibilities or whether further enlarges the gap that already exists between the â€Å"haves† and â€Å"have-nots† remains controversial. You will not achieve equality by providing each Third World villagers, ethnic minorities or other â€Å"have-nots† with a computer and Internet access. Access to information communication technology cannot be seen as a standalone solution. The origins of this disparity are far deepening within their educational, socio-cultural and socio-economical problems as Berude (2005) explains. Early Finding by the Orbicom initiative, Sciadas (2003) in collaboration with the Canadian International Development Agency, the InfoDev Programme of the World Bank and UNESCO, shows definitively the enormity of digital divide, separating the â€Å"haves† and â€Å"have-nots† countries by many decades of development, mainly concentrated in Africa but some of them also in the Asian area. Desp ite the fact that the digital divide is generally speaking closing, this report shows that the progress made between the poorest and the â€Å"in-between† countries was not sufficient to close this disparity, while â€Å"upper-middle† countries made distinctive progress to the top and herewith widen the overall gap between the very rich and very poor, and this regardless of the acquisition of ICT and installing new fibreglass high debit telephone lines. There is an undeniable necessity to acquire research skills, literacy skills or generally related computer skills before a user can be called an internaut, a protagonist: The use of Internet requires a much higher literacy skill than traditional media like television, radio or magazines in order to find analyse and process the requested information. There is no title page with table of contents (publications) and no fixed schedule (television, radio) on the Internet. The Internet is basically a â€Å"pull medium† where targeting specific information, articles, research strategies and selective thinking are necessary. Media literacy can therefore be considered as a barrier to Internet access, and this in any type of consumer groups, not only in developing countries but also in our Western countries. Unless there are strong political wills were ICT is recognized by governments as a development tool, were significant efforts are made in education, introduction to ICT in schools, were teaching programs are developed, these countries will not have any significant economical growth. In developed countries the Internet was mainly of layers with higher incomes and educational levels. ENLARGE VIEW while the population in many developing countries are totally excluded from access to the Internet. ENLARGE VIEW 5. Other opportunities and options The danger of such a gap within the society cannot be minimized that easily and solutions offered by public institutions like â€Å"Internet access for all† in public libraries, set up of information communication technologies within public schools or private funded projects like Microsoft founder Bill Gates â€Å"one computer for each children†, were the first stones set to cross the gap between information rich and information poor. But it unfortunately is not taking all citizens and generation groups into account. ENUMERE It is necessary to illuminate the different social perspectives which would integrate this socio-economical as well at it socio-cultural aspects in order to create an awareness of the complicity of this dilemma. Bourdieu already suggested and identified this perspective as overall capital. DESCRIBE According to Bourdieu (1993), the overall capital of different fractions of the social classes is composed of differing proportions of the various kinds of capital. It is mainly in relation to the middle and upper classes that Bourdieu elaborates this variation in volume and composition of the four types of capital These differences are a consequence of complex relationships between individual and class trajectories. Moreover, the values attached to the different forms of capital are stakes in the struggle between different class fractions Meritocratic teaching Particular attention should be thrown on the field of media education. The Internet, as an above medium influenced the perception of the users, the Media literacy is seen against the background of Info-Poor-/Info-Rich-effects. Thus, an Internet literacy can lead because of lack of cultural assimilation, for example when many senior citizens to information-poor effects. But even in children and adolescents in turn, the media education challenged when it comes to issues such as the ability, credibility with the media, particularly via the Internet to assess common information. 6. Conclusion By redefining socio-economic gaps between â€Å"haves† and â€Å"have-nots† and whether it is part of the political dilemma, the information society is on its way to become a powerful tool that could eradicate worlds poverty. Yet it the remaining problems are not only to be seen as a sociological struggle, but rather are perceived as a pedagogical challenge. 7. References Beasley-Murray, J. (2000, June 15). Value and Capital in Bourdieu and Marx. InI one-stop shopping for the real news. Retrieved December 30, 2009, from Berude, L. (2006). The Digital Divide, or Who Gets to Be Part of the Information Society? Multimedia Information and Technology Digital, 32(3), 26-33. Families, cultural resources and the digital divide: ICTs and educational advantage. (2003, April 1). Australian Journal of Education, 47, 18-39. Retrieved December 30, 2009, from Feather, J. (2008). The Information Society: A Study of Continuity and Change (5 ed.). London: Facet Publishing. Sciadas, G. (2003). Monitoring the Digital Divideand Beyond. Montreal, Canada: Orbicom. Webster, F. (2006). Theories of the Information Society: Third Edition (International Library of Sociology). New York: Routledge. information society definition. (n.d.). Online Business Dictionary. Retrieved January 2, 2010, from

Friday, October 25, 2019

In One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, Why Does Chief Bromden trust, Essay

In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Why Does Chief Bromden trust, befriend and then murder Randle Patrick McMurphy? First published in 1962, 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest'-the book by Ken Kesey- follows the journey of a man named Randle Patrick McMurphy through a North American mental institution in the 1960s. McMurphy is a prisoner who pleaded insanity in order to escape a lengthy prison sentence for statutory rape-which turns out to have been with an underage girl; "Whoa. Couldn't make that stick', McMurphy says to the doctor. 'Girl wouldn't testify.' 'With a child of fifteen.' 'She said she was seventeen Doc, and she was plenty willin." Introduced from the outset as an outspoken, yet amiable rogue, McMurphy is cowboy-like in manner and attire; 'He shows up in the door and stops and hitches his thumbs in his pockets, boots wide apart, and stands there with the guys looking at him.' 'broad across the jaw and shoulders and chest, with a broad white devilish grin.' His arrival on the ward is alarming and exciting to the patients already there, as McMurphy's loud, outspoken, outgoing personality clashes with the calm, quiet, subdued atmosphere of their daily lives, and his presence affects the lives of everyone on the ward, including the staff. Another central character to the book is Head Nurse Ratched. A formidable character, Ratched is perpetually calm, precise and organised, and yet she is calculating, manipulative and indirectly coercive. Ratched runs the men's ward like clockwork, using carefully devised schedules, medications and unspoken threats of punishment, retaining her power over the patients by using the three unpleasant, angry black men-known only as 'the black b... ...imation, no personality, in a conscious but vegetate state. When Chief Bromden finds out what has been done to McMurphy, and the state that he will now be in for the rest of his life, he ponders on what McMurphy would have done in his place. He decides that death is a more worthy and dignified fate for McMurphy than the bleak, empty existence that lies ahead of him. The Chief waits until nightfall, then he picks up a pillow and uses it to smother McMurphy until he suffocates. He closes McMurphy's glazed eyes and goes back to bed. After a short time of reflection, the Chief decides to escape from the institution- what he had once regarded as his only safe haven, and now regards as a prison. The Chief goes to the bathroom and hurls a chrome sink through a window, climbs out and runs off into the night. This 'escape' marks the end of the story.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Gatsby Essy

Gatsby is not of royal greatness but fulfills all the other criteria of a tragic hero. Like everything else, the typical tragic hero has evolved greatly since its beginning days and Fitzgerald has made a large contribution to its evolution with his tragedy, The Great Gatsby. Jay Gatsby is considered a modern day tragic hero because he fulfills all of the expectations a tragic hero in todays day and age has. The first expectation that Gatsby fulfills to be a modern day tragic hero is that he has a Hamartia. His Hamartia is his obsession over having Daisy to himself.He considers her as the last thing in life that he needs in order to have perfection. She is the only unrealistic dream that he chases and in the end, dies because of her, which is symbolic of her devastating impact on his life. Everything he does in life is geared towards his goal of having Daisy's love. A quote to show when Nick realizes Gatsbys Hamartia is, â€Å"Then it had merely the stars to which he had aspired on t hat June night. He came alive to me, delivered suddenly from the womb of his purposeless splendor† (Fitzgerald 79).Nick realizes all of Gatsbys parties and everything Gatsby does is to reach his ideal, Daisy. This flaw of Gatsby's is what indirectly leads to his horrific death. Something else that happens to Gatsby which makes him a tragic hero is Hubris. Ever since the beginning of his life, Gatsby has always envisioned himself as better than what he was given. He was born poor, but worked to be rich and successful, all for Daisy. He is too arrogant though, to realize he will never get Daisy. He thinks himself too powerful and cannot understand how Daisy cannot ossibly love him enough to leave Tom.A quote to prove this is, â€Å"Was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night. † (Fitzgerald 189). He is too conceited to realize that his illegal money isn't enough for Daisy to fully love him back. His arrogance is what leads to his destruction in the end by the Gods. Pathos is another requirement Gatsby fulfills in being a modern day tragic hero. Although Gatsby makes many mistakes that are indirectly the cause of his death, he Just didn't know better.He can't seem to get over his obsession of Daisy, as he is blind to the truth. Gatsby is a romantic dreamer who believes he will win the love of his life by gaining wealth. Daisy, however, is completely undeserving of his devotion. This is what causes the reader to feel empathy with Gatsby at the end. It's not his fault that he can't seem to notice how superficial and materialistic Daisy really is. A quote to prove Gatsby's absolute love for Daisy is, â€Å"He stretched his arms to warm water†(Fitzgerald 25). This reters to whenGatsby is seen looking at the green light leading to Daisy's house. W this, the reader can see the extreme desire Gatsby has for Daisy, but no matter how much he reaches for he r, he will never be able to have her. This however, is something Gatsby doesn't realize, making the reader feel compassion for his blindness to the truth. Catharsis is also something else seen in The Great Gatsby that makes Gatsby a tragic hero. Towards the end of the novel, the readers start to realize his complete carelessness and selfishness.He only cares about himself and oes what he feels is best for himself, not really taking into consideration how his decisions will affect anyone else. A example of his recklessness would be Myrtle Wilson's death. Although Daisy was the one who ran her over, Gatsby showed no remorse with killing Myrtle and even after he stepped on the emergency brake and Daisy fell into his lap, he drove on without regret of leaving her there. A quote to show this is, â€Å"So I pulled on the emergency brake. Then she fell over into my lap and I drove on† (Fitzgerald 137).Gatsby could've easily turned the car around and went ack to see if Myrtle was oka y but he decided to drive on, which shows how he only cares for himself. Even when he became friends with Nick, he only did so to get closer with Daisy. Daisy's materialistic outlook influences Jay enough to think that way too. So everything that Gatsby ever does, is all for his personal gain and his dream of getting Daisy. Gatsby's catastrophe death is the one of the things that happens to him which makes him a tragic hero. Gatsby is tragically murdered by Mr.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Are we too dependent on computers? Essay

When we talk about computers, people often relate computers with modern technologies. Computer is a tool that helps us make things in our life easier. People use computers in business, public services, educations, even entertainment. Our daily activities are more and more based closely on the working of computer. Almost everything we do is affected by modern technology and computers. I would say that I agree that people nowadays depend on computers too much. Firstly, computers controlled cars, planes, ships and other vehicles, so that we can travel safely. Computer is the backbone of most institutions and colleges nowadays. Computer is a popular device among college students. Students get their assignments done using computer. It is convenient for them to search for information using computer or through online library rather than going to library. They save their files in the computer and use computer to make their presentation. Lecturers and students prefer to use computer to work on assignments if it relates to paper work. Moreover, there are plenty students use their computer to take courses and study online. Computer is a convenient device for students. Speaking of health systems, many hospitals and medical offices use computer to store all the patients’ data. It is easy to keep track and is accessible. Medical officer also store important works that are needed to be recorded and stored for health purpose in the computers. The use of computers is very important even in medical field. More and more hospitals use computers to store patients’ data instead of using paper. It will be messy and a lot of paperwork needed to be done if hospitals didn’t use computers. It will also pollute the environments that so many paper works needed to be stored. All the mental work that we need to do can be done by computer or calculator. It would be almost impossible to calculate a huge statistic data w ithout using a calculator. Computers play an important role in human life. Computers allow office workers to work from home too. Computers help us to keep in touch with friends or families that live too far away to visit. We are also exposed to information and knowledge. We can release our stress by playing the computer games when we come home from work or school. People have increasingly relied on computers nowadays. Moreover, people tend to become lazy to think with presence of computer and technology. Most people rely on computers too much will make them forget their own strengths. People are concerned that vital skills can be lost by next generations as computer technology slowly replaces the traditional ways of working. However, computer affects human health if human spend most of their time facing the computer. When we are asked whether we face the computer most of the time, most of us choose to deny or ignore it because we are scared to admit it. Denial or ignorance is a type of resistance. In a research, people are highly exposed to health risks as they spend most of their time sitting in front of the computers to get their work done. We will have eye pain and backache if we face the computer over a long period. We will also face tired eyes, dizziness and other symptoms. This will also affect other parts of our body, such as brain, neck and fingers. We should not deny or ignore these health symptoms as it could affect our life. Let’s imagine if one day, your computer breakdown, will your life in a mess? People work and do their jobs using computers. People save all their documents in their computers as they think that computer is the safest place to keep documents. Entrepreneurs run their business using computers. However, there is a possibility that the computer will breakdown. A serious chaos will happen. Once the computer system fails to operate, people really can’t do anything. People will just sit down and wait for the engineer to repair it. The business will also be affected. In serious scenario, the entrepreneurs will lose millions of business and money. Although it is said that people fall into the fallacy of slippery slope, break down of computer systems really happen in real life. For example in May 15, 2011, Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE) experienced a breakdown in computer systems. The stock exchange came to a standstill for about 5 hours. Most of us also have the misconception that we are in control. Actually we are not. Nobody knows what is going to happen in the future. We can’t really control the computer systems but we can try our best to make sure that computer systems work smoothly. As far as I concerned, computer is a great invention and it is useful to human life. It should be impossible to live without computer as we get too much used of computers nowadays. However, we should use it wisely. We know the fact that the more we rely on computer, the more we will lose in our life. So, we should also find ways to make our dependence on computers less dangerous to us, so that we will not rely on computer completely.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What Justice Means to Me

What Justice Means to Me Free Online Research Papers While many people disagree that criminals get away with things, due to all the people involved in the process of the case not doing their share. Justice is a fair end result to cases that are difficult to solve in the begging of any case. Justice can be defined many ways. The American Heritage Dictionary (2003) defines justice as the quality of being just and fair. But what is just and what is fair? Everyone in todays society could define justice in their own way, and in a way which best matches their own moral and ethical character. Criminal Justice in todays society is over whelming with fears of being wrongly accused for a crime that was not committed by that individual. Justice is defined in a lot of ways being able to adequately give equal punishment for crimes committed; Our justice system sets an example. ( On a personal level I can really relate to this topic because I have been around it for all of my life I have friends and family that have been the the justice system for some time. The Criminalist field is a hard one to do cause of the many different people that you come into contact with all the way from criminals to family members of the victims to sometimes the victims themselves. The is a saying that goes around my work that say if you are dumb enough to know that dna can and will convict you, so if you commit a crime just remember if you think you got rid of evidence you may have to the naked eye, but to a criminalist you have given us a present of evidence that could and probably will be the end for you. In a couple of cases that I worked on in the past I have had a single mother of 5 that had been at the wrong place at the wrong time, she was charged with an accessory to murder when the truth was that she didn’t even know the victim in the case and the her prints were not on any of the evidence that was found at the scene of where the crime took place. The crime lab that I work for did everything that we could do according to the law, and the family of the victim was very upset with the fact that she was placed at the scene of the crime and yet her fingerprints were not on any of the evidence, and so they thought that we were taking side with her and making the evidence follow how we thought the case should be solved. The family of victim tried to sue us for letting a murder go free, and not bring justice to their family for the daughter’s death. When all we did was follow the evidence in accordance with law. The second case involved a man who thought that he was smarter than the criminalist on the case because he thought that by cleaning up after the crime that he had removed any and all the evidence that we could not place him at the scene but he didn’t know the many different ways that we used to gather the evidence against him the lead to him being charged and ultimately being convict of rape. He told the judge that we placed is DNA at the scene of the crime. When the DNA evidence was not saliva which is what we gathered from him but was his blood because the victim in this case cut him with her fingernails. In conclusion people who are victims of crimes or families of those who are no longer with us need to understand that when evidence is gathered at a scene it is gathered it’s what the evidence says about how all the evidence comes together to achieve one final result in any case. Back to my thesis statement that said Justice is a fair end result to cases that are difficult to solve in the begging of any case, and also that no matter the outcome that people have in a case that the true criminal is convicted of the crime that they really [really is a weak word meaning not imaginary. Use truly or another, clearer word] did commit and will have the proper sentence for the nature of their crimes. â€Å"Consider the problem from the point of view of evil, evil being almost always pleasures true and major charm; considered thus, the crime must appear greater when perpetrated upon a being of your identical sort than when inflicted upon one which is not, and this once establish ed, the delight automatically doubles.† (De Salis, N.D). Finally Justice means that the people who are truly innocence will get the fair justice that they all deserve, and the criminals will get the jail time that they deserve to get. Research Papers on What Justice Means to MeCapital PunishmentThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationThe Fifth HorsemanComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenPETSTEL analysis of IndiaPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite Religion

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Impact of the Vietnam War on the People of America essays

The Impact of the Vietnam War on the People of America essays The Impact of the Vietnam War on the People of America The Vietnam War was one of the most tragic wars in American history. The affects it had on the American people were tremendous. Even today many Americans have the frightening, unforgettable memories of the war. The war was accounted to be over in 1973, but Americans still suffer the aftershocks of a national trauma that has left the nation bitterly divided and estranged from its ideals. The painful memories will be eased, but they will never be fully healed. Many Americans look at the Vietnam War as the most hated conflict in United States history. It was also the first war America has not won. Many Americans started to lose faith in their country. Many refugees came to America in hopes to start a much better life here, but were disliked by many because they made it more difficult for the many unemployed citizens of America. Many families in America felt much sorrow as they learn of resent events in Vietnam, like the battle of Laos, and the loss of there loved ones. Many veterans returned from Vietnam and received a cold welcome from millions of Americans that felt a deep hatred for the war and the way the fighting ended. The only warm greetings came from family and friends of the veterans. One veteran spoke for many when he said, I went to Vietnam thinking I was a good American who was doing my duty for my country. I come back and ended up feeling like a criminal. It alienated many returning veterans from their fellow citizens and made them wonder if they would ever again fit into the mainstream of their nations life. They also wondered if they would ever win a place for themselves in the United States. One reason for these feelings toward the veteran is that the veterans did not return at the end of the war, but throughout the course of the war after serving a tour of duty. They did not return with their units, but instead ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

11 Signs You’ve “Made It” in America

11 Signs You’ve â€Å"Made It† in America Have you been plugging away nonstop, gunning for success, for years? Maybe you’ve been trying really hard to be the big shot you know you can be, but you just aren’t sure when you can take a moment to rest on your laurels and give yourself a pat on the back. Here are a few signs that you’re well on your way to- if not already- living the new American Dream.1. You have a job.Don’t discount this accomplishment in today’s economy- particularly not if you’re still in your twenties. As long as you’re on that ladder somewhere, and can pay your bills and health insurance, rent your own space, and feed yourself decently healthy food, you’re well on your way. Being able to take care of your own basic needs is not to be undervalued.2. People respect you.You’ve gained respect the right way, by proving yourself to be trustworthy, decent, honest, and a good listener. More than that, people listen to you when you speak and value your o pinions.3. You have hobbies.Hobbies mean you do more than just drink your paycheck and waste time with your friends. They mean you have enough leisure time in addition to your career to pursue other, non-work-related passions. Congrats, you’re becoming a whole person.4. You can travel.If you can afford to take a trip without breaking the bank- a real vacation, then you’ve made it. If you can take multiple trips per year, some abroad, then, well, you’re totally living the dream. And if you can fly first class?5. You have goals.Whether career, personal, or material, you’ve got end points and milestones in mind and are constantly working towards them.6. You own stuff.Do you own your apartment or house, or a car? Either way, no matter how fancy, you’ve really gotten to a majorly mature and successful place. Congrats!7. You can afford stuff.You’re not in a blind panic about how you’ll afford retirement or your kids’ private school o r college education. You might not have it all sorted out, but you have a plan, and you’re saving away as much as possible.8. You have money in your accounts.It’s hard enough to live paycheck to paycheck in your twenties. It’s even harder to break out of that habit and carry a healthy balance month to month. If you have more than $7k in your checking account, you’re basically killing it. And if you have over $30k in your savings, you are doing extraordinarily well.9. You have a second home.If you have a holiday home, no matter how rustic, you’re already in the elite set of second-home owners. You own â€Å"luxury real estate!† That’s huge!10. You can pay for stuff.If a new gadget comes out, or you want to take a weekend trip, or pick up the tab for a group dinner out, you can do so without tons of hemming and hawing. You never have to go to the ladies’ room to check your bank balance on your phone- you just lay down that cash w ithout cringing.11. You shop at the fancy grocery store.If you can do regular shops at Whole Paycheck, then you’re really doing well in this world. So buy yourself that eight dollar juice and walk smugly through the aisles. You’ve really made it.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Educational Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Educational Reflection - Essay Example As a function of engaging with this particular topic, the author will discuss three distinct ways in which my own personal experience with education has either made me into less of an individual or more of an individual. Through such examination, is the hope of this author that the reader will gain a more informed and relevant understanding of the manner through which education, at least in its formal context, conserve both positive and negative aspects of socialization and the degree and extent to which individuals come to represent a singularity and their approach. Finally, whereas it is true that these three distinct examples that will be discussed are contingent upon personal experience, it is the expectation and belief of this particular analyst that the issues which will be discussed are universal and invariably affect a very large number of individuals throughout society. Firstly, within my own personal experience, the level of similarity and the expectation that all knowledge should be integrated in one particular way as decreased the level of individuality that I have been able to promote my life. For instance, rather than allowing the student to explore and to understand the concepts and practices that the educational system seeks to impart in more of a natural manner, rote memorization and the necessity to understand a given topic in a particular way took away from the individuality that I might otherwise exhibit. Whereas there is most certainly a level of benefit from presenting children with a particular topic and a singular manner, the overall level of independent thinking that such an approach engenders necessarily robs the student, myself included, of a degree of experiential learning. However, one particular aspect of my own educational experience that actually contributed to the development of personality and independence was with regards to the level and degree to which my own life experience, personality, and views

Friday, October 18, 2019

Phase 4 Discussion Board 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Phase 4 Discussion Board 2 - Assignment Example This can only be achieved through motivated employees. Therefore, using my leadership, I feel it’s my responsibility to ensure that I befriend each and every employee, and strain to make the employees working environment as comfortable as possible to ensure efficiency. Given that Cokingtin is a small organization with less than 50 employees, then reaching each employee won’t be a difficult task for me. Note that befriending employees would not loosen my management roles of supervising and punishing non-performers. All this will be deemed at ensuring customer satisfaction, hence increase the number of customers, which will boost returns giving room for the firm’s growth, development and expansion. As mentioned earlier, I am experienced in offering health care services to patients through my vast knowledge in physiology and anatomy, than incorporated a lot of practical work. However, I realized that I perform better while in a team rather than as an independent nurse practitioner. For this reason, I advanced my leadership and management skills. I consider my capability to function in a team, analyzing other people’s opinions and letting them criticize mine a vital strength towards success in my job. Secondly, I have trained in various managerial aspects such as project management, organizational behavior principles, quality management. Most importantly, in the health sector, i adequate knowledge on economics of health care, global health systems, fiscal management in health care in addition to basic health care knowledge. Therefore, although this position is my first of its kind, my background knowledge especially in management and my ambitions towards the firm’s success make me fit to the position. Noteworthy, I have been sharing opinions with my colleagues when I was a medical assistant, always being a ringleader and creating discussion topics during tea breaks. As a matter of fact, these discussions made my colleagues open up and share

Employment law paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Employment law paper - Essay Example st does not in any way burden the business or the operations, and d) Or simply retaliating against an employee who has filled out the EEO charge or acts as a witness for someone else’s EEO matter. Any form of opposition to the religious discrimination or where the employee is faced with an issue due to the religion they follow is to be avoided by all companies. There are a few exceptions to this law and these companies do not need to deal with the religious discrimination. These include a) Religious organizations, and b) ministerial exceptions. A company does not have to reasonably accommodate to an individual’s requests if it has an impact on the working of the company or the business operations. Also, if the company has a bona fide doubt on the basis of the accommodation request, then the employer may refuse to accommodate. For instance, if an employee denies being able to conduct one of the duties based on some religious constraint, and the employer has a doubt regarding the same, then the employer has a right to not accommodate the request and to ignore the request. Similarly in a case where the employee is required to work on a particular timing and is unable to do so due to religious constraints, then the employer can check for the factual details of the accommodation, and can also refuse to accommodate as it will have a direc t impact on the business and the business operations. Gender discrimination is more commonly referred to as sexual discrimination. Here people are discriminated based on their gender and the gender becomes a factor in deciding who get a job, promotion, or even other employment benefits. Most commonly found to be against women who feel that men are treated with a bias and that women are unfairly discriminated against men. This however does also see a number of cases where a reverse discrimination has occurred, for instance, women are treated more favorable than men. In simple terms, gender discrimination is when one gender is

Why can't pioneering innovative companies sustain their first mover Essay

Why can't pioneering innovative companies sustain their first mover advantages - Essay Example The breakthrough product for this Canadian company has remained to be the BlackBerry (Sweeny 2009). However, the arrival of iPhone in the market has overturned everything for Research in Motion leaving the company struggling to cope with the fast follower’s challenge. Rivals such as Google and Apple which performed well in the market have led to a downward performance in the company’s stock prices. Apple first launched iPhone, a device which took a dominant position in the market and more so in the consumer segment and is now taking leads in the corporate market where BlackBerry’s were dominant.... That is, the company has recorded ups and downs of 15% over the last 3 years when it comes to its share prices. This is because of the existence of stiff competitors in the market competing for the same market share with Research in Motion Ltd. The ups and downs in the share prices of Research in Motion Ltd may also be attributed to consumption of its market share by the competitors and especially in the consumer market. The introduction of new and improved products in the market by the competitors has made BlackBerry’s less competitive making RIM Ltd loose its significant number of consumers. Source: When the BlackBerry’s become less competitive, the stocks also become less competitive a situation which has led to the reduction in stock prices. The increased competition and a reduction in market share have led to a reduction in the total volume of stocks traded in each trading day. Analysts also attributed the drop in stock pr ices in the company to the increased prices of the new BlackBerry mobile phones, a price which is too high for the emerging markets. With the increased prices, the company has been having huge problems attracting customers away from Androids by Google and iPhone platforms by Apple Inc. Source: 2. First mover advantages of Research in Motion’s BlackBerry BlackBerry was the first brand to be introduced in the market with mobile email which was highly compatible with the corporate requirements. BlackBerry then become the market leader and has continued being the market leader. BlackBerry was the brand in the market to integrate mobile communication, corporate email and internet capabilities

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Grant Proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Grant - Research Proposal Example In addition, a country that has democracy in its systems will experience stability and there will be less civil conflicts. The research is going to discuss in depth the tools that are important in influencing economic and political development. It will discuss the need of political science in promoting both political and economic development. The research shall rely on John Mill’s principles of inductive inquiry. The scholars wish to apply for a grant for conducting qualitative research within IDDCP’s primary topic areas. It demands the scholars to understand the research is comparative in nature. The researcher understands that in Mill’s method of difference, for good qualitative research, there should be a combination of state building and state failure, with the democratization and democratic consolidation, with economic and political development. There three are essential, because, for instance, there is no economic and political development; there would be no good qualitative research. The other two topics are necessary but not sufficient. In Mill’s method of agreement, a good qualitative research will require a study in state building and state failure, and democratization and democratic consolidation. Additionally, state building and economic and political development is essential for good research. However, democratization and economic and political development would not give a good research. It means state building and state failure is necessary but not sufficient. The study is very important in seeking a grant to conduct qualitative research within IDDCP topic areas. Political science offers extensive knowledge on the topics. In addition, the primordial importance of this study is to provide necessary political knowledge to the researchers in the political field. The information may include the specific roles of researchers in understanding the various topics provided by IDDCP. In the end, it would assist in broadening the political

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13

Sociology - Essay Example â€Å"Social imagination†, Mills submits, â€Å"is the capacity to shift from one perspective to another; the capacity to range from the most impersonal and remote transformations to the most intimate features of the human self—and to the see the relations between the two of them.† (1959: p 3) In simple words, Mills seeks people’s misconception and lack of broad vision where they mistakenly relate their personal problems with their cultural characteristics i.e. public issues, and thus are entrapped in a false imagination consequently. While making a comparative analysis of the Mills’ concept of entrapment, it becomes evident that notion maintains imperative significance even in the contemporary world of 21st century, where though countless changes have been taken place in social norms, cultural values and prevailing laws, yet the individuals have not surrendered this entrapment from their mind. It is therefore, they associate their personal problems with the past traditions and customs and public issues existed in their society many decades ago. The modern society presents various examples of this sociological imagination. Taking the example of renowned feminist writer and lesbian rights activist Dorothy Allison, it appears very accurate when she links the miseries of her childhood with the male dominance in the US society. It is therefore she declares marriage as well as well physical and spiritual relationships of women with men as unnatural and impracticable due to the exploitation of the emotions, feel ings and physical charms of women at the hands of men. She herself had been the victim of paedophilia, child abuse and molestation at the age of five, when her stepfather used to torture her and her mother both physically and sexually. â€Å"Social injustice†, Zaidi (2006: p 31) views, â€Å"serves as the bleakest aspect of not only the contemporary world, but also of the most primitive clans and tribes consisted of cave dwellers of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Grant Proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Grant - Research Proposal Example In addition, a country that has democracy in its systems will experience stability and there will be less civil conflicts. The research is going to discuss in depth the tools that are important in influencing economic and political development. It will discuss the need of political science in promoting both political and economic development. The research shall rely on John Mill’s principles of inductive inquiry. The scholars wish to apply for a grant for conducting qualitative research within IDDCP’s primary topic areas. It demands the scholars to understand the research is comparative in nature. The researcher understands that in Mill’s method of difference, for good qualitative research, there should be a combination of state building and state failure, with the democratization and democratic consolidation, with economic and political development. There three are essential, because, for instance, there is no economic and political development; there would be no good qualitative research. The other two topics are necessary but not sufficient. In Mill’s method of agreement, a good qualitative research will require a study in state building and state failure, and democratization and democratic consolidation. Additionally, state building and economic and political development is essential for good research. However, democratization and economic and political development would not give a good research. It means state building and state failure is necessary but not sufficient. The study is very important in seeking a grant to conduct qualitative research within IDDCP topic areas. Political science offers extensive knowledge on the topics. In addition, the primordial importance of this study is to provide necessary political knowledge to the researchers in the political field. The information may include the specific roles of researchers in understanding the various topics provided by IDDCP. In the end, it would assist in broadening the political

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ecological Evaluation of Environmental Problems Essay Example for Free

Ecological Evaluation of Environmental Problems Essay Biodiversity refers to the abundance of life forms (bio means life, diversity means variety or assortment). This includes different animals, plants and micro-organisms. The ecosystem where these living organisms belong, as well as their genetic make-up, is also part of biodiversity. Wide biodiversity is advantageous to species development as there will be various interactions going on among the different species. Among the most bio-diverse ecosystems are rainforests and aquatic ecosystems. Both land and water species can be found in these habitats. The existence, however, of these ecosystems are becoming endangered as a lot of human activities negatively impact these ecosystems. Forest destruction has been an existing issue for the longest time. Pollution – air and water – is also one of the most common problems different ecosystems and the environment itself are facing. Human activities also cause global warming which is not healthy for all living creatures. These things that people do to our environment can definitely be prevented and avoided. We can start by stopping the use of substances with chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which were identified as harmful to the ozone layer. This simple deed can help decrease the effects of global warming to the environment. Local governments should also enforce strict laws against forest destruction. Environmentalists can also start a campaign on reforestation to help rebuild destroyed forests and natural habitats. Maintaining biodiversity is important in human sustainability. Each life form is beneficial to one another. Plants are the producers in the food chain. Some primary and secondary consumers are also taken by humans as food, which is our main source of energy. Continuous destruction of the ecosystems leads to the decrease in these food sources. Thus, preserving the ecosystems and maintaining biodiversity should be seriously considered by everyone. Acid deposition starts with the combustion of fossil fuels such as coal and oil. Burning of these fuels produces nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide which are considered air pollutants. Volcanic eruptions can also emit these pollutants. When the nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides get released to the atmosphere, chemical transformation happens and sulfuric and nitric acid compounds are produced. These compounds make the air acidic. Eventually, these acidic compounds fall to the surface of the Earth – the process called â€Å"acid deposition†. Deposition can happen in wet or dry form. Wet deposition occurs when the nitric acid and sulfuric acid compounds are transported with rain, fog, or snow. When these compounds are carried as fine particles by the wind, it is called dry deposition. Acid deposition cause severe damages to the ecosystem. Fish species found in lakes affected by acid deposition tend to disappear. Other aquatic resources in lakes and rivers tend to either disappear or die which creates an imbalance to aquatic ecosystems. Acidification also changes phytoplankton composition. Likewise, acid deposition also affects forests by killing a lot of trees due to the acidic compounds settling onto these life forms. This is evident in most forests where there are copper and nickel refineries nearby. This environmental problem can also trigger asthma and some bronchial infections to humans. The effect may not be seen immediately and may take years before it can be realized. In order for us to minimize the cases of acid deposition is to have a global initiative of reducing emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides which cause air pollution. Educating the entire world population of this phenomenon can be a good start. Factories and industrial plants burning fossil fuels should try to research and find other earth-friendly alternatives to those harmful chemicals. Cultural eutrophication is the accelerated aging of aquatic ecosystems, especially lakes, through man-made activities. Eutrophication is the natural process of aging of lakes which is characterized by an increase in the growth of algae and aquatic weeds. Eutrophication rate is determined by how fast the lake gets sediments and nutrients from the watershed, and this naturally occurs over a long period of time. However, if the lake is located in an urbanized area or developed region, eutrophication speeds as there is definitely higher number of sediments and nutrients getting into the lake. This is when natural eutrophication becomes cultural eutrophication. The increased sediments and nutrients, which are mainly phosphorous, usually come from road sand, oil, lawn fertilizers, gas, salt and organic matter being transported to the lake through stormwater or groundwater. Inefficient septic systems can also cause cultural eutrophication. This environmental phenomenon can be prevented through continuous monitoring of the local government. Environmental officials should identify the cause of the cultural eutrophication and determine where the increased sediments are coming from. Once this is identified, measures to prevent these nutrients and sediments from getting into the lake could be placed and enforced. Global warming, from the term itself, is the continuous increase in the temperature of our planet. Global warming is mainly caused by increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, water vapor, ozone and methane forms a gaseous blanket around the Earth. This blanket traps the heat which is responsible for making the Earth warm; else our planet’s temperature would be well over 60 degrees colder. Global warming becomes an environmental issue because the gaseous blanket is getting thicker and thicker over the years which make the Earth’s temperature extra hot. The increase in greenhouse gases which causes global warming is due to burning of fossil fuels, agricultural byproducts, industrial processes, waste disposal and treatment among others. By the year 2100, Earth’s temperature will rise by 3 °C to 5 °C and sea levels will rise by 25 meters, at least, because of global warming. This would mean an increase in the occurrence of heat waves, floods, tornadoes and drought. Agricultural yields will be low due to these extreme weather conditions. Diseases will also spread easily. Global warming is already a known issue. The only thing that we have to do is to make significant changes in the way we do things like the use of fuels contributing to the increase of greenhouse gases. Little things can help curtail the effects of global warming such as changing filament light bulbs to fluorescent bulbs, making sure the refrigerator and freezer doors are always shut properly, and other measures of conserving electricity. This will not only help save the Earth from global warming, it will also help you save money due to less electricity consumption. Electricity is the most common form of energy people use daily. Currently, electricity is being generated mainly by burning fossil fuels. We all know from the above discussions that fossil fuel combustion creates air pollutants that contribute to acid deposition and global warming – in short, environmental destruction. If this way of using energy continuous, we would be in danger of losing a healthy planet to live in a hundred years. Another danger of this is not having enough fossil fuels to use in the future as this is not a renewable source of energy. Fossil fuels such as coal and oil can be depleted because there can only be as much of them in our planet. In order for us to prevent global environmental destruction, we should all try to use sustainable energy in order for us to have reserves in the future. Examples of sustainable energy are renewable sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, tidal and wave power among others. Power plants and electric companies should slowly convert their electricity generating processes to one of these in order to lessen the waste pollutants of fuel combustion. Big companies may also want to initiate a study if its facilities and offices would run on self-built solar power. Other than the big savings, it will definitely help in reducing the number of fossil fuel electricity consumers.

Monday, October 14, 2019

G4S Is The Biggest Security Company In UK Marketing Essay

G4S Is The Biggest Security Company In UK Marketing Essay 1) Introduction: G4S is not just the biggest security company of the UK,s now it is the one of the biggest company of the world.G4S took strong start in 2007 and organic turnover growth of 7.5% in the first six months of 2007. Nick Buckles, Chief Executive Officer of G4S said in 2007 the firm had a enjoyed a good start to the year with strong performances across all regions and services, despite the waning strength of the US dollar. firm also reported cash flow generation of  £97.7m and profit margins of 6.2%à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ up 0.3% on the same period last year. We hope the strong momentum achieved so far this year to continue into the second half, Buckles said. The first half of 2007 also saw G4S employing 500,000 people for the first time. The company maintained its strong margin performance and good growth record. 2) Mission: Mission of Create awareness about the safe handling of securities and detention of property to our customers and prospective users nationwide, projecting confidence through experience and varied offer of services as a result of our corporate culture of research and development. 3) Vision: Remain one of the leading security solutions and expertise through the delivery of outsourcing services world-class cash management and comprehensive security, focusing on customer needs and investing in recruitment and development of our best people in the industry, we will provide innovative services in each of our businesses. 4) Objective: Our overall goal is to become recognized by the skilled execution and superior services to our customers. This means meet with the specific objectives, which are: Absolute confidence in our employees Permanent customer satisfaction Reasonable profitability of our operations Values: Loyalty Commitment Competitiveness Discipline Responsibility The G4S family is committed to its corporate vision and to be supported through fair, transparent and participatory engagement. Serving in this way we fulfill the duties to our shareholders, employees, family members, providers, state and community. 5) Competitive Landscape Demand often depends on the income of consumers or the profitability of business customers, because many technology products and services are expensive. The profitability of individual companies is driven by their ability to develop and market new products. Large companies often have advantages in access to capital and marketing. Small companies can compete successfully if they have expertise in a particular field of knowledge. The industry is capital-intensive: average annual revenue per worker is more than $300,000. Top G4S plc Competitors Companies Location Prose r Compaà ±Ãƒ ­a de Seguridad, Madrid,  Spain Securitas AB Stockholm,  Sweden UTC Fire Security Farmington,  CT Boca Raton,  FL Richmond,  VA Nashville,  TN Hunt Valley,  MD Boca Raton,  FL Carmel,  IN Solna,  Sweden London,  England Tokyo,  Japan Stakeholders: Customers , employees and their representative , investor, industries bodies Government and legislator and experts are all the stakeholders of g4s and engaged with each other. 6) G4S (PLC) has a total of 4 major shareholders. Together they account for 20.07% of the total shares in issue. Major share holders Amount %Holding Harris associates LP 85,35,700 6.04 Prudential Corporation 71,384,444 5.06 Blackrock Inc 70,570,646 5.00 Legal General group plc 56,54,546 3.97 Direct holder Nick Buckles 1798,467 0.13 Trevor Dighton 1,226,819 0.087 Grahame Gibson 1,206,8542 0.086 Executive Directors Share Holding Nick Buckles 1798,467 (Chief Executive) Trevor Dighton 1,226,819 (Chief Financial Officer) Grahame Gibson 1,206,8542 (Chief Operating Officer) 7) SWOT Analysis: 7.1) Strength: Diversity   is a source of strength for G4S in the UK and Ireland and one that gives us a key competitive advantage.It wants to build an inclusive working environment in which people can thrive and reach their full potential regardless of race, sex, religion or beliefs, disability, marital or civil partnership status, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. Company policies and practices are written to ensure that people understand what is required, the importance of complying and the consequences of not doing so. Company also have a telephone helpline which allows disclosures to be made in confidence. As a security company, with a clear weighting towards traditionally male-dominated occupations, face challenges in driving the diversity and inclusion agenda .Company open up opportunities for people with disabilities and health conditions to work at more than 1,000 sites operated by Trillium and provided with security services by G4S. However, there is still much to be done to raise awareness of the business benefits of diversity, and to implement strategies to harness these benefits. Therefore at the end of 2010, the role of Group Head of Diversity and Talent was created to develop and implement a diversity strategy across G4S globally. 7.2) Weakness: Worlds biggest security company: fell 3.4 per cent in the wake of its full-year results on concerns that organic revenue improvement was slowing. Nick Buckles: eyeing expansion into Brazil EDITORS CHOICE Russia in dogfight for India contract Mar-11 Aerospace and defence deals down Feb-21 Thales paints gloomy picture amid big loss Feb-20 Nick Buckles, chief executive, said that over the coming year the FTSE 100 group would continue to diversify beyond traditional and low-margin manned guarding. He said G4S had increasingly provided clients with technology such as identity management, biometrics and sophisticated digital video monitoring in part because it can help them keep costs down. Pre-tax profits at G4S, which guards nuclear weapons establishments, manages prisons and clears landmines, rose from  £262.7m to  £302.8m in the year to December 31 on sales of  £7.01bn ( £5.93bn). The group benefited from the weakness of sterling and, assuming currencies had been constant, sales improved 7.4 per cent. A relatively strong performance in new markets across Asia, Africa and South America helped offset weakness in continental Europe and North America. Mr Buckles, who expects G4S to spend between  £100m and  £150m on acquisitions this year, said he was eyeing expansion into Brazil. Earnings per share were 14.4p (11.1p). The board recommended a final dividend of 4.16p, giving a total for the year of 7.18p (6.43p). The shares closed down 9.4p at 269.2p. 7.3) Oppurtunity: 24th February 2010: G4S, the worlds leading international security solutions group, has unveiled a promising young Filipino athlete as the newest member of its global sports team, G4S 4teen. After an extensive search Charly Suarez, a talented 21 year-old featherweight boxer from Davao city, has been selected to join the unique sporting initiative and complete the line-up of young sporting hopefuls in G4Ss inspirational programme. World class boxers after G4S recognised qualities and values in the sport that sit close to their own, a comprehensive selection process was run in conjunction with the Filipino Boxing Federation. As a young Olympic sportsman with huge potential, Suarez was selected from a shortlist of young talented boxers as a perfect match for the aspirational sports programme. With an impressive list of achievements already to his name, including a recent Gold medal at the South East Asian Games in Laos, the 21 year-old has demonstrated determination, courage, and tenaci ty in becoming a top amateur boxer in The Philippines characteristics that are integral to the G4S 4teen programme. 7.4) Threat: Retail crime-the threat: Almost one in ten retail employees has committed a crime against their employer in the last 12 months reveals G4S Over 160,000 retail employees have consumed produce without paying for it in the last year. Over 28,000 retail employees have stolen goods when in transit. New research published by G4S Secure Solutions (UK) (G4S) reveals almost one-in-ten (224,000) retail employees have committed a crime against their employer in the last 12 months. The most common crime committed by retail employees was consuming produce without paying for it, with over 160,000 workers secretly stealing food. Over 56,000 retail employees admit to outright theft from their employer in the last 12 months, removing items from a store in which they were working without paying for them. G4S warns that unsecured vehicle loading bays prove an attractive target for retail employees looking to remove goods without permission. Its research shows that over 28,000 retail employees have admitted to stealing goods when in transit to a shop, or between a storage area and the shop floor. The diversion of goods in the supply chain, from the distributor or manufacturer, before they reach the shop floor is a major problem for retailers with significant revenues lost each year as a result of merchandise being stolen. Retailers mitigate against the threat from within and minimises losses from employee shrinkage. Strategy: The underlying focus of G4S strategy is to add value to the core services that it is already provide by taking a greater role not just in specialist security areas, but in total outsourcing of the management of environments where security and safety is key. By this G4S becomes a partner with its customers and takes greater responsibility for managing entire aspects of their business which are not core to them, and where G4S can add value through its security and segment expertise. For example: high-security facility outsourcing   cash cycle management   ATM network management and servicing   risk management and consultancy   prison design and management   offender management programmes. Strategy implementation: Security remains at the core of offer it is an area in which company have extensive expertise across the Group and is fundamental to our service proposition. In recent years, added expertise to businesses in key areas and sectors such as events, risk assessment and consulting, ports, aviation, oil and gas, bid capability and project management skills. This enables to focus on creating customer propositions tailored for specific industry sectors which demonstrate expertise in these areas. At the same time, Company is building relationships at a senior level within our customer organisations which should ultimately gain a larger share of customer commitment and spend on secure outsourcing solutions.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Witches, Supernatural, and Evil in Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

The Witches and  Evil in Macbeth    No discussion of evil in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth would be satisfactory without considering its’ most famous symbols of evil: the coven of witches whose interactions with Macbeth play such a vital role in his thinking about his own life. Banquo and Macbeth recognize them as something supernatural, part of the landscape but not fully human inhabitants of it. They have malicious intentions and prophetic powers. And yet they are not active agents in the sense that they do nothing other than talk and offer visions and potions. The witches have no power to compel. If we are to explore the significance of these witches we must do so by treating them as vital poetic symbols in the play, essential manifestations of the moral atmosphere of Macbeth's world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The most obvious interpretation of the witches is to see them as manifestations of evil in the world. They exist to tempt and torment people, to challenge their faith in themselves and their society. They work on Macbeth by equivocation, that is, by ambiguous promises of some future state. These promises come true, but not in the way that the victim originally believed. The witches thus make their appeal to Macbeth's and Banquo's desire to control their own future, to direct it towards some desirable ends. They have no power to compel belief, but they can obviously appeal strongly to an already existing inclination to force one's will onto events in order to shape the future to fit one deepest desires.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Banquo's importance in the play stems, in large part, from his different response to these witches. Like Macbeth, he is strongly tempted, but he does not let his desires outweigh his moral caution: But 'tis strange, And oftentimes to win us to our harm The instruments of darkness tell us truths, Win us with honest trifles to betray's In deepest consequence. (1.3.120-124)    Macbeth cannot act on this awareness because his desires (kept alive by his active imagination and his wife's urging) constantly intrude upon his moral sensibilities. Hence, he seizes upon the news that he has just been made Thane of Cawdor, using that information to tell him what he most wants to believe, that the witches tell the truth. This supernatural soliciting Cannot be ill, cannot be good. If ill, Why hath it given me earnest of success

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Preventing the export of conflict diamonds in the Democratic Republic o

Preventing the export of conflict diamonds in the Democratic Republic of the Congo The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has large reserves of cobalt, gold, gems, copper, timber, and uranium. However, the most valuable resource that the DRC possess is its large reserve of diamonds. Diamonds essentially serve as a pillar to the DRC’s struggling economy. Plagued by civil unrest, the DRC is desperately trying to stabilize its economy. Their efforts have been met with stiff resistance due to the ongoing civil war and illegal diamond trade. Not only is the DRC losing potential revenue from the illegal mining of diamonds, but also these diamonds are being used to finance the rebel armies. In response, the U.N. has drafted several resolutions and imposed sanctions in order to try and curtail the illegal trade. The DRC has also agreed to follow the Kimberley Process in hopes of preventing the export of illegal diamonds. However, these efforts are not enough to stop the trafficking of diamonds. Several steps must be taken to strengthen the Kimberley Process and change government policies within the DRC in order to stabilize the economy and end the civil war. History of conflict in the Congo The DRC’s current unstable government can be attributed mainly to its turbulent history. Since the late 1800’s the Congo region has experienced relatively few periods of peace and economic stability. Colonization severely hindered the future development of the Congo region. In the late 1870’s, King Leopold II of Belgium colonized the Congo territory. Treaties were signed with several tribal rulers in the territory, giving the King Leopold sovereignty in their areas. In 1885, the territory formally became the Congo Free State, he... ...r 22, 2002. Dietrich, Christian. Hard currency: the criminalized diamond economy of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighbours. Ottawa: Partnership Africa Canada, c2002. Muller, Emma. Diamonds Smuggling Through Congo Republic Makes Mockery of Kimberley Process., July 10, 2003. Tamm, Ingrid J. Diamonds in peace and war: severing the conflict-diamond connection. Cambridge, Mass: World Peace Foundation, 2002. U.N. document. Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitations of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth in the Democratic Republic of Congo. William Wallis. Comment and Analysis: Kimberley Process: Africa's conflict diamonds: is the UN-backed certification scheme failing to bring transparency to the trade?" Financial Times October 29, 2003.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Multimedia to Enhance Web Sites Cookies & Spyware

Developing websites not only require the knowledge and skills in setting it up in the World Wide Web, but also implementing some elements that help in realizing the purpose of the website, making it attractive and interactive. This aim may be achieved by utilizing multimedia tools and applications in developing the website. Educational website count on multimedia to motivate online users to learn, gaming websites rely on animations for appeal and entertainment, and radio shows available online depend on the quality of audio streaming.Although utilizing multimedia seems to be the most effective way to improve the dynamics of a website to realize its purpose and objectives, it still holds disadvantages both for web site developers, owners, and users. A multimedia website is a dynamic website that utilizes various media of communication and information exchange such as audio and video materials, audio-visual elements, and animations. The objective of injecting multimedia to websites is to improve services and increase its viewers by initially attracting them and keeping them engaged or involved through pure entertainment.It attracts wider populations of online users because it appeals to audio, visual, audio-visual, and kinesthetically motivated individuals. Since multimedia websites are visually attractive overall, first-time visitors become interested and are instantly involved with the elements of the website. (Multimedia Websites, 2005) Aside from these advantages, multimedia websites also allow faster and easier access to larger populations. Access to multimedia websites is not limited to a particular number of online users. Moreover, the content of websites is easily modified when multimedia elements are used.(Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Teaching Media that can be used in a Teleclassroom or on the Web, 2008)The disadvantage of multimedia websites lies in its planning, production, and maintenance stages. Establishing multimedia websites are costly and time-consuming. Website developers who utilize multimedia often require longer periods of time for preparation and development, while setting up multimedia websites require adequate amounts of resources. Maintenance is also key in making sure that the website functions efficiently at all times.However, website owners cannot maintain multimedia websites on their own. They need to require the services of website developers, which is again costly. For online users, it would probably discourage them to view multimedia websites because it takes much time for these websites to download. (Multimedia Websites, 2005) In order to harness the benefits and advantages of multimedia, website developers and owners should consider some important factors. Initially, website owners and developers should determine whether there is a need to utilize multimedia, or to utilize multimedia minimally or fully.This requires determining the purpose, goals and objectives, and content of the web site. Some websites should only use audio or visual elements while other sophisticated websites need to use audio-visual and animation elements. The best way to utilize multimedia effectively is to use it judiciously. Website owners and developers would not want to overwhelm online users with complex and overlapping multimedia structures and they do not want to bore them with plain colors and texts either. (Kit & Kuan, 2006)Learning to control the use of multimedia and knowing when it is appropriate to utilize it is a primary consideration. The time and available financial resources should also be considered. In general, multimedia should be used in developing website if the operator or owner operates on multimedia elements. For instance, radio shows made available online need to establish multimedia website on audio elements. Websites hosting videos, such as YouTube. com for instance, need to maintain audio-visual elements of their multimedia website. Gaming websites, on the other hand, need to utilize animations.One reason for utilizing multimedia in websites is when operators or owners need to do promotions and advertisements through audio, visual or audio-visual means. Another reason is if there is a need to increase user participation and population by targeting user attraction and involvement through multimedia. Compare and Contrast Cookies and Spyware Spyware is an application or data that stealthily manage to enter computer systems or networks to spy on information or computer commands or processes recorded in the computer. The purpose of spyware is to obtain information or data covertly.In addition, the characteristic of spyware is naturally malicious. A user cannot delete it completely because it attaches itself to the system and spies on all computer processes and transactions. Spyware may be used to commit cyber crimes such as identity theft, because it collects private data and information. For example, spyware may be used to collect online bankin g information. Collected data will be used to conduct malicious transactions. (Olsen, 2005) Cookies, on the other hand, are information stored within the computer system.However, cookies are simply recorded for retrieval of information. For instance, cookies may retrieve user names or passwords when logging-in visited websites. (Cookies – Not Spyware, 2008) Cookies, unlike spyware, do not steal but simply make data records (Olsen, 2005) Although cookies seem to be harmless, it may be used instantly to serve the purpose of spywares. This depends on how cookies will be manipulated. For instance, if two people are sharing in one computer, the other might view cookies installed in the computer to determine what websites the other person has been visiting.He may also be able to access private e-mails or accounts on other websites, if the cookies allow automatic user name and password retrieval, and such. Moreover, that person might be able to open online accounts using the persona l information of the other person who he is sharing the computer with. Therefore, although cookies are normally harmless, people might use them to accomplish malicious activities such as identity theft or invasion of privacy. (Cookies – Not Spyware, 2008)

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Genetically Modified (Gm) Foods Essay

The Term â€Å"Genetically Modified (GM) foods† refers to crops produced for human or animal consumption using the recombinant DNA techniques. The world population is growing in a fast pace such that it is expected to double in the next 50 years. Supplying food to this growing population is a major challenge. GM foods can be considered as the major solution for the food security. These foods are produced by the modification of crop plants in the laboratory to enhance desired traits, mainly biotic and abiotic stress tolerance, improved nutritional content, etc. These traits were earlier carried out through conventional plant breeding, but these breeding methods are very time-consuming and often not very accurate. However, with recombinant DNA technology, plants with the desired traits can be produced, very rapidly and with greater accuracy. Process Recombinant DNA technology begins with the identification and isolation of a gene which expresses a desirable trait, with the aid of restriction enzymes. Then a recipient plant or animal is selected, and the gene is inserted and incorporated into its genome through a vector such as agrobacterium, through a gene gun shooting an elemental particle covered in plasmid DNA, electro oration, or a virus. Once part of the recipient, the newly inserted gene becomes part of the genome of the recipient and is regulated in the same way as its other genes. For example, we can isolate a gene responsible for conferring drought tolerance, introduce that gene into a plant, and make it drought tolerant. Crops can also be transformed using non-plant genes such as the use of Bt genes, in cotton and many other crops. Bt, or Bacillus thuringiensis, is a naturally occurring bacterium that produces crystal proteins that are lethal only to insect larvae. Bt crystal protein genes have been transferred into cotton, soya, corn, brinjal, enabling the plants to produce its own pesticides against insects such as the American bollworm, European corn borer. Bt genes are lethal only in the acidic medium, insect gut environment and do not get activated in an alkaline environment, prevalent in humans and other animals that feed on these plants. BENEFITS OF GM FOODS Drought tolerance/salinity tolerance: As the world population grows and more land is converted for housing instead of food production, farmers need to grow crops in non-arable land, previously unsuited for plant cultivation. Creating plants that can withstand long periods of drought or high salinity in soil and groundwater will help people to grow crops in large, barren wetlands/dry lands in our country. Pest resistance: Insect Pests are causing devastating financial loss for farmers, sometimes starvation. Indiscriminate use of pesticides is also a potential health hazard, and the run-off of agricultural wastes from excessive use of pesticides and fertilizers poisons the water supply and harms the environment. Ex: Growing GM foods such as Bt brinjal helps reduce the application of pesticides substantially, as 80 per cent of brinjal crop are infested with pests. Disease resistance: There are many viruses, fungi and bacteria that cause plant diseases and thereby contribute to yield loss. Plant biologists are working to create genetically engineered plants with resistance to these diseases. Ex: Developing sheath blight resistance in rice. Cold/heat tolerance: Farmers are facing the vagaries of weather, like unexpected frost or excess heat due to climate change. Researchers have identified an antifreeze gene from cold-water fish and introduced it into plants such as tobacco and potato to study the efficacy of the plant to withstand extreme temperatures. Also, research is on to identify plants that can survive excess heat, submergence tolerance etc. Nutrition: People in our country suffer from various nutrient deficiency diseases due to malnutrition. Most of the people rely on rice as a major staple food. But rice does not contain adequate amounts of all necessary micro and macronutrients. If rice could be genetically engineered to contain additional vitamins, iron and/or minerals, nutrient deficiencies could be alleviated. For example, MSSRF (M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation) are working on improving the iron content. Phytoremediation: Soil and groundwater pollution continues to be a problem in many parts of the world. Plants such as poplar trees, brassica spp are being genetically engineered to clean up heavy metal pollution from soil contaminated with metals like lead, arsenic, and cadmium. Concerns Most concerns about GM foods fall into three categories Environmental hazards: Unintended harm to other organisms; reduced effectiveness of pesticides; gene transfer to non-target species are some of the concerns of the environmental concerns of GM crops. Human health risks: Allergenecity, unknown effects on human health are some of the main health concerns. For example, Pioneer Hi-Bred tested the allergenicity of a transgenic soybean that expressed a Brazil nut seed storage protein in hope that the seeds would have increased levels of the amino acid methionine. The tests (radio allergosorbent testing, immunoblotting, and skin-prick testing) showed that individuals allergic to Brazil nuts were also allergic to the new GM soybean. Economic concerns Environmental activists, religious organizations, non-governmental organizations have criticized agribusiness for concentrating on profits through GM Foods without concern for potential hazards. They also criticized the government for failing to start a regulatory body. All GM crops should be subjected to thorough regulatory processes and toxicology and allergenicity tests data needs to be shared with the regulatory authorities prior to commercialization. Government Role Many new plant genetic engineering technologies and GM plants have been patented, and patent infringement is a big concern of agribusiness. So, bringing GM food to market is a lengthy and costly process. This is a genuine concern and therefore it is important for the government to fund and support public sector research in reputed universities or agriculture institutes to ensure quality research and also keep prices under check. Conclusion Government should check all the hazards, environmental, health and economic concerns and then decisions should be taken to commercialize a GM product. Though ambiguity during the process, once they get regulatory approve, it implies that they have been subjected to stringent scrutiny and are safe for commercial release. So, the governments around the world are hard at work to establish an effective regulatory process to monitor the effects of and approve new varieties of GM plants. According to M S Swaminathan, the chairman of the National Commission on Farmers, GM foods have the potential to solve many of the world’s hunger and malnutrition problems, and can protect and preserve the environment by increasing yield and reducing reliance upon chemical pesticides. Yet there are many challenges ahead for governments, especially in the areas of safety testing, regulation, international policy and food labeling.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Philippine Culture and Filipino Essay

Understanding the Filipino Values and Culture To a person who is not familiar or aware ot the Philippine culture, understanding Filipinos is like playing a game one has never played before and of which the rules have not been explained very well. understanding the values of Filipinos pose a challenge, to enjoy the game without missing the Joys and fun of like living in the Philippines. A stranger or foreigner who has a knowledge of or exposure to the Filipino societys customs, etiquette, and manners, is less likely to experience intense culture shock. The Philippine Islands and Filipino Profile: The Phlllpplnes Is composed of 7,107 Islands with a total land area of 296,912 square kilometers (1. 6 kilometers equal 1 mile). This makes it a little larger than the British Isles and a little smaller than Japan. Its land area Is eight times larger than Taiwan, 213 the size ot either Thailand or spaln, but less than 1/30 ot the size ot the united States or Mainland China. The country is bounded on the west by the China Sea, on the east by the Pacific Ocean, and on the south by the Celebes Sea. It lies a little above the equator and is 965 kilometers (600 miles) off the southeast coast of the Asian mainland. It Is about 160 kilometers (100 miles) below Taiwan, and 24 kilometers above Borneo. Just being above the equator. puts the Philippines in the typhoon belt. The two pronounced seasons in the Philippines are the rainy months from June to October and the dry months from November to May. In between these seasons come a number of typhoons that hit the country yearly. The Philippines has a population of more than 50 million. The population of the country is rather unevenly distributed on the larger islands due to livelihood opportunities, social and economic organizations and historical factors. Its biggest islands In addition to the three (3) main islands (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) are Mindoro, Samar, Panay, Cebu, Palawan, Leyte, Bohol and Masbate. Its largest cities are Manila, Quezon, Davao and Cebu. The Philippine population Is characterized by an almost equal number of males and females. ot Flllplnos are below 15 years of age. Literacy stands at 82. 9 percent. The Philippines has for its languages Pilipino, English and Spanish; it has 87 different major dialects. English is widely spoken; In fact, this country is the third largest English-speaking nation In the world. Philippines is the first democratic country in Asia. Welcome to the Philippines! Welcome to this country of warm smiles and vivacious people. Getting to know the Filipinos is easy enough. If you speak English, you will find that most of the Filipinos speak the language; and what’s more, they are only too happy to make your acquaintance in English. Even if you don’t, the Filipino is so outgoing by nature that making friends out of total strangers or chance acquaintances is simply being in character. The Filipinos are a happy blend of several races, basically Malay with Chinese, Spanish, Indian and American admixtures. Their values and ways of life were shaped by several, sometimes conflicting cultures and the resulting blend is what makes their own uniquely Filipino. In their veins run the rich Christian values of Europe, the pragmatic and democratic values of America, and the spiritual values of Asia. The seven distinct elements in Filipino culture are: values, basic personality, basic social unit, politics, economics, technology and ecology. Each of these aspects of the Filipino culture has a body of ideas called â€Å"content† which gives form and meaning to each aspect. This form and meaning are expressed through â€Å"structures† or institutions which the Philippine society creates for the orderly regulation of behavior in established ways. Filipino cultural values are widely held beliefs which make some activities, relationships, goals and feelings important to the Filipino people’s identity. When these Filipino values coalesce and mesh in a mutually supportive system, it is called â€Å"Filipino value system. † The content of the Filipino values are the Filipino myths and religion while the structures are the Filipino oral and written traditions, churches, acred places, temples and mosques. The Filipinos internalize these values of their culture and thus create for themselves a â€Å"world of meanings. † The Filipino basic personality is determined by the Filipino culture because of the selection of those congruent types that are congruent with the culture. The content of the Filipino basic personality is made up of Filipino beliefs and knowledge while the structure is formed by the Filipino initiation and various rituals and formal and informal education. The Filipino basic social unit is the family which contributes to and maintains the Filipino values. The content of the Filipino social unit is the family, groups and community life while the structure is the lineage, marriage descent, neighborhood, peer group and villages. The Filipino politics are the Filipino ideas and structures related to the distribution and channeling of power within the Philippine society for its well-being, order and regulation. The content of politics is the Filipino traditional power units and democracy while the structures are the law, parliament, councils, elders and chiefs. structures which it creates for provision of food, clothing and shelter for its members. The content of Philippine economics is the production by private enterprises while its structure is capitalism and socialism. Filipino technology includes all that the Filipinos have invented to make their life easier, less arduous, and shifted from the brink of mere survival thus changing their way of life and giving them more control of their physical environment. Its contents are communication and health while its structure is composed of the various media, professional organizations, medicine, hospitals and laboratories. Filipino ecology is the relation of the Filipino to the ecosystem such as temperature, ype of soil, amount of moisture, types of crops that can be grown or types of animals present in the Philippines and other environmental features. The content of Filipino ecology is the identification of the Filipino with nature and its structure including hunting, fishing, nature worship and irrigation. Cultural Contrast: The Filipino, compared with Westerners, prefers a â€Å"structured† way of life rather than one in which he can be assertive of his own individuality. Thus, a Westerner will find the Filipino less autonomous and more dependent. This is because of the social oncept of the Filipino self-esteem. His concept of self is identified with his family. Right from childhood he is made to believe that he belongs to the family. Since childhood a Filipino is encouraged to tell all of his thoughts to his parents and submit to his parents’ direction, counsel and advice. He is admonished to be good because any disgrace that he commits is a disgrace to the family. In times of misfortune he is assured of his familys support, sympathy and love. By western standards, the Filipino parents can be considered overprotective and sometimes intrusive. However, if one understands this seemingly unreasonable control in the context of the Philippine culture wherein exists the belief in the primacy of the extended family over that of the individual and that the only source of emotional, economic, and moral support is the family, one will be more tolerant and respectful of such actuation. The Filipino Family and Kinship: The basic units of the Philippine social organization are the elementary family which includes the mother, father and children, and the bilateral extended family which embraces all relatives of the father and the mother. Of special importance is the sibling group, the unit formed by brothers and sisters. There are no clans or similar unilateral kinship groups in the Philippines. The elementary family and the sibling group form the primary bases of corporate action. influence of kinship, which centers on the family, is far-reaching. The persuasive influence of the family upon all segments of Philippine social organization can be illustrated in many ways. Religious responsibility, for example, is familial rather than church-centered. Each home has a family shrine. The influence of the family upon conomic and entrepreneurial business activities is also great. The so-called â€Å"corporations† found in urban areas are generally family holdings. The prevailing family structure emphasizes loyalty and support of the family, not of any higher level of social organization. The Filipino family is the nuclear unit around which social activities are organized – it is the basic unit of corporate action. The interests of the individual in Philippine society are secondary to those of the family. Ethical and Normative Behavior of Filipinos: Ethics bases itself on what is human. Not everything is universal in human nature. As Clyde Kluckholm and Henry A, Murray say â€Å"Every man is in certain respects (a) like all other men; (b) like some other men; (c) like no other man. It is within the context of (b) that ethical and normative behavior of people in the Philippines has its distinctive characteristics. The Filipino cultural orientation is supported by shared values which function as the basis of shared behavior common to most Filipinos. Values have reference to standards people use for evaluating what is right or wrong, good or evil. Values are elated to norms which are rules of conduct specific to given social situations. The Filipinos have two set s of paradoxical traits and patterns of relationship that are imbued by his culture. The first set is the highly structured and authoritarian familial set-up where roles are prescribed especially for younger members of the family. This is characterized by autocratic leadership of the elder-members, submitting one’s self to the decision of the family elders, and almost one-way communication in the pecking order. The second set of social relationship that the Filipino has, which ronically exists side by side with the highly structured set-up, is the strong communitarian practice called â€Å"Bayanihan† which literally means â€Å"being a hero. This practice ignores social ranking, structures, leadership roles and authority relationships. The roles in the structured set-up mentioned earlier cease to exist. Surprisingly, the Filipino is at home with both cultural practices in his social life. He shifts from one setting to another with unbelievable ease and grace. In the first set up, there is no way that a child can lead the elders in any form of decision- making. In the Bayanihan set-up, however, if a child proves that he has the right qualification needed for the task, he may lead the elders, not excluding his father and elder brother. There are three main imperatives that underlie Filipino value orientation: relational imperatives (actual person to person encounters), emotional imperatives (emotionally perceived and that the most powerful moral imperative in Filipino culture is â€Å"utang na 100b† or debt of gratitude/loyalty or commitment). Unlike in other Asian countries, women in the Philippines occupy a high status. Equality with men is a birthright of the Filipino women. Unlike her Western sisters, they didn’t have to march the streets to be heard. Women are highly respected in the Philippines. They may walk alone on the streets. They can also drive alone. Filipinos are fond of giving and attending parties. Any event can be an excuse for having a small or big party – the baptism of an infant, a birthday, a daughter’s debut, a wedding, or an engagement. Even a promotion in a Job, passing a government exam, getting one’s first paycheck or recovery from illness is enough reason to give a party.